The Thunder Bay Country Market Association elects a board of 7 Directors from among the membership at its AGM. The Board meets on a monthly basis to handle governance aspects of the Market.

Day-to-day operations are handled by our Market Manager, who is the first point of contact for the Market.

The 2022 AGM takes place in March 2023

Name Position Term Ends Consecutive Terms
Bill Groenheide President of the Board March 2023 2nd Term
Henriet DeBruin Vice-President March 2024 2nd Term
Amanda Strobel Secretary March 2024 1st Term
Joeseph Myslicki Treasurer March 2023 1st Term
Wilma Mol Director March 2024 1st Term
Julia Miles
Director March 2025 1st Term 
Tami Silver Director March 2025 1st Term 


April Mercier, Market Manager
Carol Maki, Bookkeeper

Members can login here to access Board Meeting and General/Annual Meeting minutes, starting from January 2019. If you’ve lost the password, please speak to the manager or the Secretary.

By-Laws (TBCM By-Law Revision 2022) for the Association govern the Board and Market’s operations. 

The Board has a variety of committees that work to further the Market and support the Market Manager. Committees are made up of directors and of TBCM membership. Committees are no smaller than 3 members and no larger than 5 members.

Current standing committees include:

  • Executive Committee – consists only of President, Vice-President, Secretary, & Treasurer
  • Vending Committee
  • Marketing Committee

To contact the Board of Directors please email